Presell Page Prices

What’s the price for a presell page ?

Prices for hosting a presell pages vary a lot depending on the site hosting your marketing content.

Some of the most important factors are age and the “authority” of the sites, which means how many sites with good reputation (e.g. .edu domains or governmental sites) link to it. Other typical SEO related factors like the deep link percentage of the site, the Google page rank (PR), Alexa values and more play a role, but ultimately the age and authority of the site are what counts!

The placement fees for presell pages are paid as a rental fee in monthly or longer terms upfront – similar to how text link brokers charge you.

The prices currently vary between $100 to $500 per month and page.

Did I hear you ask: Why are your presell pages so expensive ?

That’s probably because you try to compare old school text link building to presell pages – but that’s like comparing apples and oranges.

But we have some nice offers for you tough:


Purchase one page for 6 months and pay only 5 – that’s 1 month free or 17% OFF!!


Purchase one page for 12 months and pay only 10 – that’s 2 month free !

Contact me today for a quote or checkout the online inventory


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