Presell Pages vs. Article Syndication

Presell Pages can be easily confused with article syndication!

client wrote:

A presell page is an informational article, maybe with the twist of a press release – so what’s the difference to syndicating my content to hundreds and thousands of article syndication sites?

The answer is simple – a presell page means Unique content on a unique authority sitelinking to you.

  • How many article syndication sites would you call an authority? ZERO – they are often younger than 1 year, since the whole article syndication boom started in 2005.
  • How many duplications of your article do you want to have up on the internet? And what do you think happens with the links you receive once the pages are hit by thecontent duplication penalty of the search engines? ZERO – you don’t want your site to be linked from thousands of duplicate articles, do you?
  • How many of these article sites were built for the user of a specific website, blending into the existing content and enriching it ? ZERO – that’s just not possible with a generic article syndication site.

Remember the original quote of Google Engineers:

Google Engineer on Google Dance 2005 wrote:

What’s good for the user is good for your site’s ranking

Authority sites with rich content are good for the user – and you can place your presell page there, enriching the content with your relevant contribution even more

And that’s good for you, and your rankings!


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